Buzz Magazine
Cardiff Central Library, Cardiff, Thurs 19 July
That Peter Finch is here today is doubly appropriate. Not only is it
nearly two years since he was the guest speaker at the Central Library’s
inaugural Open Space event, but the building itself is a potent symbol of
Cardiff as the “flourishing city” of the prolific local author’s latest
book, and indeed features on its cover. Seren’s Real series –
a beguiling blend of history, (psycho)geography and personal memoir – kicked
off with Finch’s Real Cardiff in 2002; since then, its scope
has extended across the border into England and beyond consideration of only
sizeable conurbations – but it has regularly returned to the Welsh capital,
such has been the pace of change here. Real Cardiff: The Flourishing
City is Finch’s fourth contribution on the place of his birth.
This evening, at least, that subtitle ends with a question mark; over
the course of 45 minutes, Finch interrogates what “flourishing” actually
means. He refuses to be seduced by the superficial dazzle and gleam of glass
and metal, bemoaning the construction of countless buildings that thrust
themselves ever higher, built hastily and with profit rather than durability in
mind. The tone of his talk is not predominantly triumphant or even celebratory,
but elegiac. Development, he notes soberly, often (if not inevitably) entails
erasure. Roath Mill, for instance, had stood for over 1,000 years when it was
obliterated in 1897 to make way for a public park; likewise, there remains no
trace of several different town halls, or of the cursing stone that once stood
on St Mary’s Street. Precious little of the pre-Victorian city survives;
Cardiff is physically as well as economically very much a product of the
Industrial Revolution – though even its industrial heritage is now fast
becoming a distant memory, as disused docks are crowded by new flats and the
Coal Exchange has been converted into a swanky hotel. Only on rare occasions
does there appear to be any official admission of regret at acts of cultural
and historical vandalism committed in the pursuit of progress, such as the
misguided decision to fill in the Glamorgan Canal. Had it survived, the Canal
would now no doubt be a popular tourist attraction; sadly, today it functions
only as a cautionary tale, a warning as to the perils of myopic planning. At
least, Finch concedes, the city was spared the sort of fate that befell
Birmingham: the implementation of a 1960s utopian vision that would have
tarmacked it over and transformed it into a giant car park.
Finch’s antipathy to the automobile is also evident when he speaks about
his methodology and approach. To really see and know a place, he argues, you
need to pore over old maps and walk around it (or at least cycle). He talks of
leading walking tours, and tonight, without us having to leave our seats, he
takes us on a ramble behind pubs, through gates, over fences, down lanes and
into the past, pointing out the barely discernible outlines of motte-and-bailey
castles, ancient standing stones hidden in plain sight in cottage gardens, and
what remains of the vast heath that stretched north from Death Junction (where
Albany Road, City Road, Crwys Road, Richmond Road and Mackintosh Place meet, so
called because it’s where the city’s gallows once stood).
Nearing the end, Finch brings us back to the present to look into the
future. Cardiff has grown exponentially since the first official census in
1801; how might it continue to grow in the years to come, constrained as it is
by the estuary to the south and Caerphilly Mountain to the north? Perhaps with
the development of artificial islands and protective sea walls; almost
certainly with expansion to the west, beyond Culverhouse Cross, and to the
east, towards Newport. Green belt land has already been downgraded, preparing
the ground for the bulldozers to move in, and Finch fears that, like the Great
Heath, it will be destroyed. He accepts that development is an inexorable
process – “Cities are never finished – they are built, then rebuilt and then
rebuilt again” – but makes a passionate case for proceeding with caution,
sensitivity and an acute awareness of what will be lost as well as what might
be gained.
words Ben Woolhead
August 2018
We Are Cardiff
Writer Ben Newman gets stuck into Peter Finch’s fourth instalment in the Real
Cardiff series.
Cardiff is, at heart, a book for the people of Cardiff, half-love-letter,
How well do you know Cardiff, really?
For a city of only roughly 350,000 people, nestled between valleys and the sea,
there is a surprising amount of history, tales, fables, and important spots
that remain hidden to the majority of us. Thankfully, Peter Finch’s Real
Cardiff The Flourishing City has been published and is, to date,
one of the most readable yet comprehensive histories of Cardiff.
By splitting the book into five main parts – Central, East, North, West,
and South – Finch interprets how the city’s linguistic, cultural, artistic, and
economical heritage is preserved and built upon today, whilst contextualising
how all these factors contribute to Cardiff’s booming trade. No matter which
part of the ‘diff you live in, there will be some coverage of it in it here,
and may make you approach your morning commute or next trip to the shops a
little differently.
The book opens with a short discussion about Cardiff’s role as a boom
city, before descending into an overview of the city’s history. Finch then muses
on the cultural melding, or lack thereof, between Cardiff and the northern
valleys, and how economic and population pressures may push Cardiffians out
into the valleys. It is an interesting discussion to be had where Cardiff’s
influence and parameters end, with Finch stating that “Cardiff finishes at the
roundabout just south of Castell Coch.” This book attempts to discuss more than
just Cardiff itself, but the degree of its wider influence in the fabric of
south Wales.
Furthering on that, the author discusses how the city is changing
architecturally, with our beloved skyline being threatened by all sorts of
wider economic advancements. The book opens by providing a full framework of
what has happened and what is to come, threading in loose descriptions of a
multitude of factors. Whilst Finch does not go into impressive depth in this
book, he does display an amazing breadth of knowledge; this book is not
necessarily for those inclined to the nitty-gritty, but more for those who want
a full understanding of what it means to be Cardiff.
Finch, already famous for being a wonderful writer, employs a direct and
simple writing style, with the kind of preference for understatement you see
from any old man telling a story. Even if he shies away from hyperbole, he still
manages to capture the contradictory and idiosyncratic nature of Cardiff. His
writing is underpinned by an implicit understanding of what makes us
Cardiffians tick, allowing his writing to gravitate towards highlights that
would naturally interest locals.
Without wanting to spoil too much, the book traverses through
geographical spots throughout each part of Cardiff, focusing on those bits that
appear relatively different or important. In a way, it is as if Finch is taking
you on a tour – albeit a politicised one – throughout spots in Cardiff. He
starts off with easy parts such as Queen Street, before slowly making his way
through the nooks and crannies of central Cardiff, ending in the quieter
streets of Tredegarville. This occurs throughout each section, beginning at a
central hub, and slowly meandering out to the peripheries. Each street reveals
something different and hidden away. To give them away here would ruin the
experience, but the important point Finch takes away from each idiosyncrasy is
that Cardiff deserves to be treasured. Underpinning his textual tour is an
argument that we, like the rest of Wales, need a plan. Issues such as traffic
concerns, architectural issues, and Cardiff’s disconnect from Welsh culture are
all discussed, leading to a book that not only entrenches itself in the city,
but in the city’s concerns, troubles, and future.
Peter Finch a’r ‘dérive’ - João Morais
Mae'r drydedd gyfrol yn y gyfres 'Real Cardiff' gan Peter Finch eisoes
yn dwyn yr is-bennawd 'the changing city'. Digon addas ar un
olwg felly yw'r is-bennawd 'the flourishing city' ar gyfer y
bedwaredd gyfrol hon. Cyfrol arall eto, meddech chi? Does bosib fod yna fwy i'w
ddweud am 'Real Cardiff' – digon i lenwi llyfr cyfan arall? I'r
gwrthwyneb: o ddarllen Real Cardiff rhif pedwar daw'n amlwg
i mi fod gan yr awdur gyfrolau eto i'w hadrodd am Gaerdydd.
Gan wisgo mantell y flâneur a'r hanesydd, dyma ni Peter Finch
yn ôl ar strydoedd Caerdydd. Mae'n llwyddo i gyflwyno gwedd newydd eto fyth i
ni ar y brifddinas, gan ddadlennu ei hyd a'i lled mewn ffyrdd annisgwyl.
Un o ryfeddodau'r gyfres yw ei bod yn tywys rhywun i gorneli na fyddai
gennym gyfle i ymweld â hwy fel arfer. Nid rhywbeth i basio heibio iddo'n
ddifeddwl yw'r adeilad tal, onglog yna: yn Real Cardiff rhif pedwar,
mae Finch, sy'n llawn cywreinrwydd yn ôl ei arfer, yn benderfynol o
ddarganfod yr hyn sydd dan yr wyneb; mae'n ein tywys i lefydd anghyfarwydd gan
ein hannog i fyseddu eu gwead. Cerddais heibio i Ganolfan Islamaidd De Cymru
gymaint o weithiau ond ni fentrais i mewn erioed. Dyma un o'r tri mosg sydd yn
gwasanaethu fy nghymuned yn Butetown. Cefais fy nghyflwyno gan Finch i fan lle
mae perffeithrwydd tawel yn teyrnasu: 'The racks of religious books are
ordered, the walls illuminated with Arabic script, the carpet lit by daylight
filtering in through the coloured windows of the dome above.’ A diolch i hynny,
ehangwyd fy nghymuned rywsut – gan godi rhywfaint o gywilydd arnaf am i mi
beidio â gwneud y siwrne yno ynghynt fy hun.
Rhannwyd y gyfrol, fel y cyfrolau blaenorol yn y gyfres, ar sail
ardaloedd y ddinas – Canol, Gogledd, De, Dwyrain a Gorllewin. Yn
ychwanegol at hynny – yn yr un modd ag y mae gan Real Cardiff Three adran
o'r enw 'Beyond' a Real Cardiff Two un o'r enw 'Penarth a'r Arfordir'
– mae gan y bedwaredd gyfrol adran o'r enw 'Journeys', sydd yn manylu ar
ymdrechion Finch wrth gerdded o ogledd y ddinas i'r deheubarth (o Builders
Merchants ger gorsaf reilffordd Ffynnon Taf i wlypdiroedd y parc cadwraeth
ger gwesty St David's ym Mae Caerdydd, saith milltir i ffwrdd). Mae hefyd yn
manylu ar daith o Penylan Hill i Eglwys St Augustine ar Drwyn
Penarth (lle, rwy'n darganfod, mae man gorffwys Joseph Parry, cyfansoddwr ‘Myfanwy’).
Mae'r gyfrol yn gyforiog o ffeithiau ond hefyd ymdeimlwn ag awyrgylch y ddinas:
clywn ei synau, ei hemosiynau a'i hatgofion, a hyn i gyd yn rhoi i ni gyfrol
sy'n bleser i'w darllen ac sydd hefyd yn dyfnhau ein dealltwriaeth o ba bynnag
ardal y darllenwn amdani.
Caf ddadleniad o ryw fath wrth ddarllen cyfrolau 'Real Cardiff' Finch, gan ddod
i ddeall y ddinas mewn rhyw ffordd newydd bob tro. Wrth ddarllen Real
Cardiff Two, er enghraifft, deuthum yn ymwybodol y gallasai Caerdydd fod wedi
cael ei henwi Y Rhath. Ac yn y bedwaredd gyfrol hon, mae Finch yn f'argyhoeddi
bod Bae Caerdydd yn galeri gelf awyr agored gyfrinachol. Cerddaf yn ddyddiol,
bron, o fy nghartref ar ystâd Butetown o gwmpas y Bae, weithiau'n mynd hyd yn
oed dros yr argae i Benarth, cyn dychwelyd drwy'r Pentref Chwaraeon. Mae'r
teithiau cerdded hyn yn fy nghynorthwyo i feddwl. Ac mae nifer y gweithiau celf
ar y gylchdaith hon yn sicr yn drawiadol. Gan Finch cefais syniadau am ffyrdd i
amrywio fy llwybrau.
Nid yw hynny i ddweud bod Finch yn bod yn or-sentimental wrth drafod
hynt yr hen ddociau. Mae'n nodi, mewn un man, ‘it’s not really part of us, the
Bay. It’s still a destination rather than a component. A place to go to. A
Cardiff satellite glowing in the dark'. Gallaf gytuno efo hynny, i raddau.
Mae'n gleniach na'r hyn a ysgrifennodd Siôn Jobbins yn The Phenomenon of
Welshness (Carreg Gwalch, 2011), lle gwelai'r brifddinas ‘as a capital
whose population actually believes the pokey, Lego-like Mermaid Quay is the
height of continental sophistication’ (sydd hefyd yn ein cyfeirio at wirionedd
dyfnach). Mae dinasoedd, wedi'r cyfan, yn newid yn barhaus. Ac nid yw
Caerdydd yn wahanol yn hynny o beth. Fel y dywed Finch ei hun, mae wedi esblygu
‘from a village where everyone would have known everyone else to a city where
you could have an affair and get away with it in less than a hundred and fifty
Ond heddiw, mae pob cornel wedi ei llenwi â blociau newydd o fflatiau
myfyrwyr. Ar adegau, mae'n teimlo fel petai Caerdydd yn datblygu'n ddinas
nid ar gyfer ei phreswylwyr ond ar gyfer corfforaethau, er mwyn iddynt blannu
eu cyfoeth yn y blociau hyn, fel sydd wedi digwydd yn Coventry a Sheffield.
Tybed, wrth i'r myfyrwyr symud i'r tyrau newydd hyn (mae 13 wedi eu codi mewn
tair blynedd o fewn gofod o 250m ar y groesffordd Newport Road/City Road
yn unig), a fyddant, o ganlyniad, yn rhyddhau gofod i deuluoedd symud yn
ôl i dai teras Cathays, a hynny'n gymorth i greu ymdeimlad cryfach o gymuned yn
yr ardal hon?
Yn codi ei ben o hyd yn y gyfrol y mae'r pryder gwaelodol a deimlir wrth
bendroni a fydd y cyngor yn llwyddo i gael y cydbwysedd yn iawn. Mae Finch yn
nodi ar un pwynt:
We are not doing much preserving. We are losing our old place names,
dropping our ancient connections, abandoning habitats. The city, famous for
knocking things down and filling things in, continues to redevelop its Bay.
There are far too many new 'units of increased density' as one critic
complained. Never enough street facing human scale houses.
Yn nes ymlaen, mae'n ysgrifennu:
when things are in the wrong place the city wipes them away. It did that
to most of the pre-St David’s Centre townscape, to the Glamorgan Canal, the old
town halls and walls, the skating rink on Westgate Street, the zoo at Victoria
Park, and the cinemas that once crowded Queen Street. All gone. We are good at
being new, being an administrative capital and a tourist destination, but
pretty hopeless at preserving what once made us different.
Cytunaf yn llwyr.
Wrth gwrs, does dim rhaid i ddatblygiad trefol fod yn ddrwg i gyd. Tra
mae Finch yn galarnadu colli plastai Penylan Hill (a ddymchwelwyd i wneud lle i
Eastern Avenue, y brif lôn A sydd yn mynd drwy Gasnewydd) mae wedi ysgrifennu
cyflwyniad ardderchog i'r tai bwyta niferus nepell i ffwrdd mewn adran yn dwyn
y teitl 'Eating my way down city road'. Mae'n mynd heibio i gaffi llysfwyd
Milgi ac yn rhannu ei fyfyrdodau ar toffŵ MaPo a chyw iâr Peri Peri wedi
ei grilio â fflamau go iawn, prydau a fyddai'n annealladwy i genedlaethau
blaenorol. Cafodd Finch y syniad hwn wrth fwyta yn The Codfather, siop pysgod a
sglodion yn Canton. Dywed:
The original plan had been to eat in every restaurant from here to
Victoria Park but I’ve been won over instead by the charms of City Road.
Cardiff’s 'multicultural melting pot of independent retailers' as the BBC
describes it. And much nearer home.
Sydd yn ddigon teg. Serch hynny, ni fedraf ond meddwl y gallasai'r adran
ar Gorllewin Caerdydd fod wedi gwneud efo rhywbeth ar hyd y llinellau hyn
hefyd. Cefais fy magu ym Mhentrebane a threuliais fy ieuenctid yn Tyllgoed
(Fairwater), felly digon posib bod gorllewin y ddinas, a Cowbridge Road East yn
benodol (gyda'i chyfres o dafarndai'r 'Canton Mile' adnabyddus), yn fy nenu yn
fwy nag unlle. Ond y Dwyrain yw adran gryfa'r gyfrol heb os a dyma dir cyfarwydd
ei gartref i Finch.
Beth am Real Cardiff Five? Hoffwn weld Finch yn troi ei sylw at
furlun y Tŵr Dŵr, a baentiwyd i ddangos chwedlau Cymru uwchben y
traciau rheilffordd sydd yn arwain i Gaerdydd Canolog. Hoffwn ei weld yn
agor can o gwrw efo'r Real Ale Soc yn stafell gyffredin un o'r blociau
myfyrwyr newydd yma. Neu'n chwarae ping-pong gydag un o'r gweithwyr creadigol
yn swyddfa cynllun-agored y Tramshed, a ysbrydolwyd gan Google, yn
crwydro o gwmpas yr adeilad efallai, o'i dop i'w waelod, efo rhywun a
arferai weithio yno pan y'i hadnabyddid fel Depo a Gweithdai Canolog Cyngor
Caerdydd. Mewn geiriau eraill: rwyf am gael mwy.